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allt sem þú vildir vita um Njálu ... og meira til!

Lestu Njálu, sögu Njáls á Bergþórshvoli, fjölskyldu hans og samtíðarmanna

Njálubækur, teiknimyndasögur og útgáfur sem henta ungmennum

Erlendar útgáfur Njálu, þýðingar og aðrar bækur þar sem Njáls saga er viðfangsefnið

Njála/Brennu-Njáls saga á nokkrum erlendum tungumálum

The Saga of Njáll

Brynhildur Thórarinsdóttir og Margrét E. Laxness

The Saga of Njáll is without doubt the best-known Icelandic Saga. It is a literary treasure and an action-packed thriller that has been told and retold in Iceland for at least seven hundred cold and dark winters. In this illustrated version.

The Saga of Njáll

Brynhildur Thórarinsdóttir og Margrét E. Laxness

In this illustrated version, novelist Brynhildur Thórarinsdóttir and artist Margrét E. Laxness bring the great warriors, tragic heroes and rotten scoundrels of the Saga of Njáll to life once again in a book suitable for the whole family.

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Skarphéðinn Njálsson

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