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dive into Njal's saga – the Story of Burnt Njal



The Story of Burnt-NjalNjal's Saga is one of the most amazing stories ever written. It is the longest of all the Icelandic Sagas and one of the most celebrated ones. Numerous books have been written about Njal's Saga, as well as plays, websites, exhibitions held and museums founded.


This website,, is a gateway to a world of information about the Story of Burnt-Njal, its purpose is to facilitate access to the story and content about it. 


Suggested by the Njal's Saga Tapestry Project, The local government (SASS) provided funding for the creation of the website. The site is designed by Eva Thengilsdóttir.

You will find us at The Saga Centre, home to the Njal´s Saga Exhibition and the Njal´s Saga Tapestry – it is located in Hvolsvöllur in the South of Iceland – right in the region where the main scenes of Njal's Saga take place.


Hrut Heriolf's son

The nose is near to the eyes, brother.
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